Highland Lakes Kiwanis Club
You have likely seen our flag program in action on patriotic holidays when flags suddenly appear all over Marble Falls, Horseshoe Bay & surrounding areas. Highland Lakes Kiwanis Club honors our Country and Veterans who served by placing flags at 200+ locations around Highland Lakes on 7 national holidays.It's a great opportunity for local businesses and individuals to proudly display our nation's flag and show support for local Kiwanis youth programs. The local flag program is our major fundraising activity and provides financial support for our partnerships with the Marble Falls Education Foundation and the Boys & Girls Club of Highland Lakes. Click here to see an article in the Daily Trib.
For a small donation of just $50 per year, we'll fly the American flag on 7 national holidays at your business, residence, or on your behalf at Veterans Park inside Meadowlakes. We do all the work. We bring out the flags, we put them up on the holiday mornings and take down the flags in the evenings. Currently available in Marble Falls, Horseshoe Bay, Meadowlakes, & Cottonwood Shores.
January - Martin Luther King Day
February - President’s Day
May - Memorial Day
July 4th - Independence Day
September - Labor Day
September - Patriots Day
November - Veteran's Day
(If it rains we re-schedule a new date)